Generalist Training


This training was recorded at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth Texas in 2013. Most of the training was delivered by Dr. John Ewart, a board member of the Society and Professor of Missions and Pastoral Leadership and Associate Vice President for Global Theological Initiatives and Ministry Centers at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. One module on finances was taught by Dr. David Bowman, Executive Director of the Tarrant Baptist Association in Ft. Worth.

(Note: discounts are available for Basic Members, Premium Members, Student Members, and those that have previously taken all four levels of our training and would like to audit this training).

This training is one of two online offerings from the Society that satisfies our Levels 1-4 requirement for certification. For an overview and description and to compare this Generalist training to our Revitalization and Strategic Planning training, please click here.

  • Ideal for denominational leaders, independent consultants, and pastors
  • Broad treatment on many topics for church revitalization and how to consult
  • Take major strides toward becoming certified by the Society
  • 370 PowerPoint slides and other handouts
  • 20 hours of training
