Data Protection, Cyberattacks and Church Consulting

by Church Consultant, Christson Adedoyin, MSW, MATS, PhD. Data breaches and hacks have become ubiquitous, and many organizations invest millions of dollars in protecting organizational and [...]


Mike Clarensau

8946 N. Juniper Circle Camas, WA 98607 Phone: 972.571.3400 Email: mike@clarensaucommunications.com Website: www.clarensaucommunications.com Dr. Mike Clarensau currently works as a full-time [...]


Ken Rasmussen

Address: 2171 Buckingham Avenue Clovis, CA 93611 Email: kens777@yahoo.com Phone: 559.681.4119 Website: www.rcgnow.org (under construction) Ministry Experience: Ken has 38 years of leading and [...]


Dr. David W. Smith

16 Hampton Village Plaza Suite 282 St. Louis, MO 63109 Phone: 231.942.2894 Email: drdavidwsmith@gmail.com Website: joniandfriends.org David is committed to equipping local churches to minister in [...]


Are We Really on God’s Team?

by Certified Church Consultant Dr. David W. Smith, D.Min. Imagery plays a vital role in how we convey truth. We might illustrate truth using an actual picture or paint a vivid word picture as we [...]


Barriers Broken by Pentecost

By Certified Church Consultant, Dan Abbatiello It is clear that we live in a divided and fragmented culture, where there no longer exists even a general consensus on societal norms, or even what [...]


Bill Gilmore

7958 NW CR 229A Starke, FL 32091 Phone: 904.304.6061 Email: Bill@churchhealthspecialist.org Website: www.churchhealthspecialist.org  (coming soon) Having been in pastoral ministry for over twenty [...]


How Being Vulnerable Can Be A Best Practice (Part 2)

by Certified Church Consultant, Dr. Michael Rackley A recap from Part 1, the naked service approach to consulting, applies to anyone who provides ongoing, relationship-based advice, counsel, or [...]


Segun Adegoke

Location: Lagos, Nigeria Email: adegokay@gmail.com; segun@seventhsense.com.ng Phone: +234 817 6499 231; +234 802 9201 000 Website: www.seventhsense.com.ng LinkedIn Profile: [...]


Dana L. Goodnough

  Address: 421 Marsh Road, Pittsford NY 14534 Email: goodnough@pittsfordcc.org Cell: 585.200.2225   Mission Statement: Equipping Healthy Pastors to Lead Healthy Churches Education: [...]