Practical Steps to Revitalize a Declining Church

By Certified Church Consultant, Niyi Dunmade, CCA, CCC, MBA, MNSE, PMP and Founder / CEO of Magnicraft Consulting In the ever-evolving landscape of religious institutions, many churches grapple [...]


Twelve Avoidable Mistakes Church Consultants Make

by ‘Niyi Dunmade, MBA, CCC, CCA, MNSE Certified Church Consultant Founder/CEO, Magnicraft Consulting Church consultants are crucial in helping religious organisations navigate challenges in [...]


Created To Multiply (Part 2)

By Niyi Dunmade, Lead Consultant/CEO, Magnicraft Consulting …Continued from PART 1 To successfully multiply churches, there are two vital things that a church should pay attention to.   [...]


Created To Multiply (Part 1)

By Niyi Dunmade, Lead Consultant/CEO, Magnicraft Consulting How do you know if what you are doing as a church leader is actually growing God’s kingdom? Is it enough to simply have a large number [...]


Improving Your Church’s Retention Strategy

By Niyi Dunmade, Certified Church Consultant Numbers matter and the church is no exception to this. The reason for this is simple: we are to make disciples by being fruitful, and a fruitful [...]


The Kingdom’s Scorecard – Is Your Church Really Successful or Faithful?

By Niyi Dunmade Over the years, many churches and their leaders have come to place emphasis on the number of people in their congregation or their seating capacity as well as the size of [...]


Church Health And Dealing With Growth Barriers (Part 2)

by Niyi Dunmade …continued from Part 1 Micromanaging Many churches have become bureaucratic because of the problem of Micromanaging. Micromanaging in the context of church growth is a [...]


Church Health And Dealing With Growth Barriers (Part 1)

by Niyi Dunmade God wants His body to grow just like a father wants to see his child grow; He also wants churches and Christians to reproduce their kind (bear fruit), which translates into church [...]


Solutions To Major Gaps In Church Management

By ‘Niyi Dunmade  October 15, 2020 Our world today is in dire need of healthy churches with healthy leaders who operate with trending mindsets and fresh perspectives. I believe the healthier [...]