The Atrophy Of The American Church

By Certified Church Consultant, Dan Abbatiello Muscle atrophy is the wasting away of muscle mass and strength. It occurs after prolonged immobility such as extended bed rest or having a body part [...]


Responding to Different Seasons of Growth

By Mark Lenz An analogy is something that shows how two things are alike, with the goal of making a point about the comparison. The purpose of an analogy is not merely to show, but also to [...]


Church Health And Dealing With Growth Barriers (Part 2)

by Niyi Dunmade …continued from Part 1 Micromanaging Many churches have become bureaucratic because of the problem of Micromanaging. Micromanaging in the context of church growth is a [...]


Church Health And Dealing With Growth Barriers (Part 1)

by Niyi Dunmade God wants His body to grow just like a father wants to see his child grow; He also wants churches and Christians to reproduce their kind (bear fruit), which translates into church [...]