Certified Consultant Annual Renewal Form
Date (required)
Your Name (required)
1. Continuing Education Tell us about your professional development over the past year (training, seminars, webinars, workshops, etc.). You can be very brief.
2. Consultation Work What churches have you consulted over the past 12 months? Please provide church name(s), locations, date, and a brief summary of the results of each engagement.
3. Published Writing Please provide any links to articles or the names of books you’ve published in the past 12 months.
4. Frameable certificate. Do you want us to email you an updated one for your renewal?: YesNo
5. Directory Information Updates Directory info is at the location on our website: https://churchconsulting.org/search-consultants/ Please help us keep our records up to date by updating any information below.
6. Certification Renewal Fee: $238 To pay your Renewal Fee, we offer you 4 different payment options:
1. You can pay online here: https://churchconsulting.org/?p=6858
2. Email mark@churchconsulting.org or call him at 763.744.7338 with the following information:
Name on the card: Type of Card (MC, VISA) Complete billing address on the card: Card#: Expiration Date of Card:
3. You can mail a check made out to Society for Church Consulting to our address at: 6771 21st Ave. S. Lino Lakes, MN 55038
4. If you prefer to convert to a monthly payment plan where we draw an electronic transfer from your bank account or credit care, email our bookkeeper dorothy@churchconsulting.org and she will help you set that up.
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