Unity and Diversity: 10 Healthy Characteristics of the 1st Multiethnic Church

by Dr. Michael Rackley In all my years as a seminary student, I’ve never read, studied, or heard a lecture about the Antioch Church and its diversity in the Book of Acts until asked to teach at [...]


Blurred Lines and How to Avoid Them

by Mark Lenz I obsess over clarity. Why? Because I’ve been in several situations, mostly in churches, where a lack of a clear purpose, clear directions and clearly stated goals led to confusion, [...]


Three Keys To Leveraging Church Revitalization

By Jim Barber Archimedes was a Greek mathematician who lived in the 2nd century BC. He made likely the most famous quote ever about the use of a lever. By doing so, he demonstrated the [...]


Church Health And Dealing With Growth Barriers (Part 2)

by Niyi Dunmade …continued from Part 1 Micromanaging Many churches have become bureaucratic because of the problem of Micromanaging. Micromanaging in the context of church growth is a [...]


Church Health And Dealing With Growth Barriers (Part 1)

by Niyi Dunmade God wants His body to grow just like a father wants to see his child grow; He also wants churches and Christians to reproduce their kind (bear fruit), which translates into church [...]


New Way of Worship – Three Suggestions

by Dr. Ethel Canty Bothuel During this time when we are all pushed to think more creatively, especially as we do the work of ministry, we can follow the principles laid out for us by the God who [...]


Church Culture In A Pandemic

By Soon-Hock Lim After 30 years as a pastor I came to realise (I’m a slow learner) that one of the most important ingredients differentiating poor, good and great churches is church culture. Does [...]


Contextualizing Our Language And Why It Matters

By Mark Lenz December 1, 2020 When I was in Bible School, I took an Intro. to Missions class. Granted, this was in 1983 and times have changed. But I believe many, if not most, of the principles [...]


Program Evaluation in Church Context: Forerunner to Effective Church Consulting

By Dr. Christson A. Adedoyin, MSW, PhD  November 17, 2020 The need for Church consultants is on the rise because of the uncertainties of ministry in the current dispensation of COVID-19. Many [...]


Five Characteristics Of A Church That Is Ready For Revitalization

By Jim Barber. November 1, 2020 Underlying the current context of COVID, the state of the Church in America is that somewhere between 65% and 85% or more need revitalization. For years, these [...]