The Dangers Of Low Church Retention Rates

By Certified Consultant, Niyi Dunmade It is not news that many churches and denominations are experiencing decline in membership today and some are at the verge of closing their doors. Recently, [...]


It’s Possible To Prioritize Discipleship With Every Core Initiative

by Certified Church Consultant Barry E. Winders As most of us know, there are churches that are making disciples even during a crisis like a pandemic. This is because leaders decided to do what [...]


Pastoral Essentails

by Dan Abbatiello  September 19, 2021 The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes the “minimum daily adult requirements” for a myriad of nutritional factors from vitamin A to zinc and [...]


The Fourth Quarter Ministry – Seven Qualities of a “Comeback Church”

By Dr. Michael Rackley   Certified Church Consultant What is your fondest memory of the greatest fourth-quarter comeback in the last 10 years of sports? Maybe it’s Russell Wilson’s [...]


Incorporating Evaluability Assessment into Church Consulting

by Certified Church Consultant, Dr. A. Christson Adedoyin, MSW, MATS, PhD. Issues That Could Arise While Conducting an Evaluability Assessment in Church Settings In the field of evaluability [...]


3 Keys to Managing Momentum in Ministry

By Mark Lenz, Society for Church Consulting President One of the most valuable forces in any organization is momentum. When a local church is energized by prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, [...]


Improving Your Church’s Retention Strategy

By Niyi Dunmade, Certified Church Consultant Numbers matter and the church is no exception to this. The reason for this is simple: we are to make disciples by being fruitful, and a fruitful [...]


The Pros and Cons of Mission Statements

By Society President, Mark Lenz Some organizations have Mission Statements. Others have a mission. Some churches have Vision Statements. Other have a vision. I’ve been closely associated with [...]


“If You Build It They Will Come”…Or Will They?

By Certified Church Consultant, Dan Abbatiello For at least the last century, churches have used what missiologists have termed the “attractional church model.” This philosophy of ministry [...]


Three Things Effective Leaders Should Do In A Crisis

By Dr. Michael Rackley Have you ever wondered in times of accelerated change, turbulent seasons, and uncertainty what church leaders are supposed to be doing? I believe the first place to look is [...]